Tuesday, September 17, 2019

10 Time Tested Tips To Quickly Avoid Plagiarism

Ten Tips on how to avoid plagiarism: Students’ GuideHow to Avoid Plagiarism?When writing a college essay or a research paper, chances are that you will need to consult various sources to develop your ideas. However, you must show where the ideas or quotes are coming from, otherwise, you would be accused of plagiarism. In this guide, we will explore how best to avoid plagiarism. First of all, let us just say that there are so many articles out there which try to explain avoiding plagiarism. As a matter of fact, when we asked Google, we came across over 308,000 results. Doing this research will get you some good recommendations, but beware bad recommendation including using free plagiarism checker. I will explain why in a second. We believe what drives everyone crazy is the fact that so many of these articles are written with the intent to promote a company than trying to provide valuable information. In other cases we came across information that was just seasonal. So, that’s what brings us to this particular topic, how to avoid plagirism. Let’s dive right in†¦ Simply put, plagiarism is any instance of taking another person’s or author’s ideas or research and representing it as your own. Most colleges and universities have advanced plagiarism detection systems, and if you are caught, you will get penalties. Here is brief guide that describes how to check for plagiarism. The consequences for being caught having plagiarising in your work can be very severe, with punishments ranging from exclusion from a course to expulsion from university; even – in some instances – to court hearings. However, plagiarism is not always committed intentionally; most plagiarised essays or dissertations are simply improperly referenced, or where students inadvertently mix their own ides with those of another, without referencing. We have already provided a guide that goes in a lot of detail regarding how to paraphrase essays and dissertations. Yes, this is all Plagiarism – Examples of Plagiarism If you use a friend’s essay to submit without changes as your own, or using a part of it to construct your own work, without referencing, and without adequate research, you will be accused of plagiarism. Universities have advanced systems to prevent cheating, and all dissertations, essays, and coursework are submitted through TurnItIn, a system that holds all student work from thousands of universities, and detects abnormal similarity levels. You can certainly check how Turnitin works, by clicking on this link provided here. Using copyrighted material from a website or online sources. You are not allowed to use some sources in your work, and this is clearly stated. This can be patents, invention, artwork, or even studies. Some sources you come across when doing your research will state that the content is copyrighted, or you need the author’s permission to use it. Building your argument on one particular work w ithout adequately referencing it. While you might not use direct quotes from the source, you still need to give credit either in the list of sources or in your footnotes, otherwise, you will be accused of plagiarism. Rewriting an original work. Some students want to save time and energy by using an original essay and trying to rewrite it using different phrases, without changing the meaning. Even though you might have a unique content, similarities will be revealed by the advanced systems universities use, and you will be caught. Direct quotes without adequate referencing. When quoting word-for-word, you need to use quotation marks, and make sure that you provide the author’s name and publication year, along with the page number, based on the required referencing style. Collusion. If you collaborate with other people to complete the essay, research, or course work, you need to acknowledge this in your essay. University Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism When you start your course, you will be provided with a guide on how to avoid plagiarism by your institution. Make sure that you read through the guidelines, requirements for referencing, and the policies, in particular focus on the penalties issued for breaching the code of academic conduct. You also need to familiarise yourself with the referencing methods expected by your university. You can learn to incorporate Harvard Style or APA style thru our site, make sure you check out our site Journal. Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism If you use direct quotations from books, journal articles, or internet sources, always use a quotation mark, followed by the in-text reference, including the page number. If you use a website as a source, include the paragraph number instead of the page number. Reference all the sources you used. If the idea was mentioned and presented by more than one author and sources, you need to list them all, if you consulted with the papers. If you are referring to multiple sources highlighting an issue or explaining a phenomenon, give details of all of them. If you conduct interviews or ask for advice from experts, discuss your topic with other people, you have to reference their input. Find out how to reference interviews and personal correspondence to avoid plagiarism by checking out our APA referencing guide. Paraphrase. Instead of quoting everything word-for-word, you can integrate the literature you consulted with in a few sentences and provide a reference for each source. You do not have to be exact, and you will need to show your understanding of the idea by putting it into your own words. Check and double check your reference list. One of the most common mistakes students make is that they quote certain sources, but they forget to list them in their bibliography or works cited page. After you finish writing your essay or research paper, go through the content and check that all sources are included in the reference list. This is a habit that will help you avoid plagiarism. Provide a full reference for all internet sources. While you might be tempted to simply mention the name of the website you retrieved the information from, this is not acceptable in academic writing. You need to find out who the author of the blog post or article is, and include their name in your references along with the date of publication. If you do not know the name of the author, you can simply use â€Å"Anon†, but never omit this information. Check Cre ative Commons agreements. You might want to use an image of a company’s logo or store as an illustration for your dissertation and essay, however, you need to check the usage rights before you do. Always search images and graphics through the Creative Commons website, and only use sources you are allowed to. Use advanced tools to detect plagiarism. You can use different tools, such as Grammarly or PaperRater to detect plagiarism before you submit your essay or course work to your university. Always be wary of FREE plagiarism scanning tool. Some companies might take your work publish it later down the road or in some cases it might be online within weeks. So, to avoid any problems, it is always better to pay for scanning your Essays. Always make it clear who stated what. You need to avoid ambiguity and always place the in-text reference after the quote or paraphrase. This way, the reader can easily associate the thought with the source. When in doubt, always cite. Citing more than necessary is always better than omitting citations. Add references when you feel like your paper could benefit from them.How Does our site Ensure Quality with No Plagiarism?As many of you know our Brand is reputable and respected in the online content world. We employ staff that can deliver quality work with the guarantee of 2.1 quality document. In addition, we promise to provide our clients Quality work that is never plagiarised or copied from anywhere with unlimited Edits. Every piece of work that is handed to you will be custom written just for you. We guarantee it. As a matter of policy, our site always performs two Plagiarism checks on each document. Each work is scanned and checked internally before you get it. Each piece of work goes thru manual review to make sure a third party reviews each and every document. By doing so, we ensure our clients are protected. If you have any doubts, you could request a plagiarism report. Do You Need Help with Avoiding Plagiarism? If you would like to make sure that you avoid plagiarism in your essay, you can contact the professional academic editors at our site to look through, edit, and improve your citations. Contact us to get professional help. Check out our sample Essay: Money Makes the World Go Round Summary Reviewer John – our site Admin Review Date 2017-08-18 Reviewed Item How to Avoid Plagiarism? Author Rating 5

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