Saturday, October 5, 2019

Why Illegal Immigration is Messing Up the United States Research Paper

Why Illegal Immigration is Messing Up the United States - Research Paper Example The country has in place very stringent laws governing the movement of persons through its borders. Those relocating to the country meet specified standards and certification by the authorities of the country to do so. However, there are those hell bent on resettling in the United States and would do anything to. They thus look for unwarranted means of getting into the country without verification from the legal systems. Among the most common ways of getting into the country are hiding in the ships and freight vehicles that transport goods through the countries borders. Some of the illegal immigrants get into the country legal for short visits only to refuse to leave back for their native countries. Such people affect the country negatively in a number of ways. A stable economy caters for all those within its borders. However, some immigrants have bad intent. These people are not welcome in the country and are always deported whenever apprehended. To avert deportation, they do not th erefore seek services from the state facilities, which is practically impossible. This makes them a bother to those around them (Haines 78). The country has a number of health guidelines to be met by immigrants. Those coming into the United States undergo a number of tests and are only accorded citizenship after satisfying the testing officers. This keeps the country safe from the outbreak of such communicable diseases as yellow fever, malaria, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus among many others. However, the proliferation of the illegal immigrants goes against theses standards and end up in the country with different contagious diseases. This strains the government’s resources in trying to contain the spread of some of the diseases that it had previously eradicated. As explained above, illegal immigrants are not welcome in the United States of America; they cannot ever find employment in any government and private organization since they do not have any identification documen ts. Among the immigration laws is the requirement of all immigrants to possess at least some level of formal education in their native countries. This regulation makes it easier for such people to get employment or further their education once in the country. However, the illegal immigrants flaunt all these rules thereby making it hard for them to secure employment once in the country. To get a source of livelihood, these immigrants engage in illicit trades such prostitution, drug peddling, and robbery. This leaves the country’s security in a fix since they cannot easily apprehend the culprits as they are not even in the country’s databases. Trade on drugs is a menace in the country accounting for the rise of crime in a mummer of cities. Drug barons use similar entry mechanisms used by illegal immigrants to get their drugs into the country. Furthermore, most of those used by the drug peddlers to foster their illegal trade are the illegal immigrants who are in most case s stranded and without jobs. They thus do anything to get a living; the most common of which is drug peddling. Drug is a menace in America. Addiction results in the incapacitation of American population who could have otherwise worked to earn descent livelihoods for their families. This negatively affects the economy of the country through loss of person-hours and capital as addicts are admitted into rehabilitation schools for the correctional therapies (Levy 132). Illegal entry of persons into the country leads to the rise of corruption which is a vice that affects the integrity of security personnel. Some of the illegal immigrants bribe their way into obtaining legitimate identification papers in the country. Some of these could be

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