Monday, December 23, 2019

Accounting Methods Used By Ancient Egyptians For Inventory...

Accountants are trusted and respected all around the world. After all, this profession has been around for many years; there is proof that accounting methods were used by ancient Egyptians for inventory purposes. The accounting profession has many certifications; one of them is Certified Public Accountant, also known by its acronym, CPA. By far, the one with the most advantages is CPA because it is required by almost any accounting firm, provides mobility across the industry, and provides better economic remuneration. Acquiring the certification is not easy; the CPA examination is known to be difficult and challenging, having four parts and a passing rate of only 50 percent. It also requires continuing education since there are constant changes in laws. Once the certification is acquired, the rewards are greater than the sacrifice. CPAs are currently in high demand, and that is only increasing every year; this is great for job opportunities and for remuneration. Accountants have alwa ys had good salaries, but being in high demand increases the chances of having even better salaries. Before, CPAs were thought of as bookkeepers and tax makers, but now they are much more than that. Companies don’t make business decisions before consulting with their accountants, after all, no one knows the economic situation of a company better than the accountant. CPA: The advantages of Certified Public Accountant Accounting has been around for thousands of years; there is proofShow MoreRelatedThe Egyptian Of Ancient Egyptian Society1704 Words   |  7 Pages Ancient Egyptian society reflected many things like the pyramids that it built. They placed the pharaoh at the top, but he relied on a group of officials, priests, and nobles to administer his kingdom. All of these people were assisted with scribes, which is a writing system that was used, perhaps adapted from Mesopotamia or created independently. 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