Friday, August 23, 2019

The Great Depression and President Roosevelts New Deal Assignment

The Great Depression and President Roosevelts New Deal - Assignment Example There were factories then and employment was in blossom. This was however reversed when the market crashed because the era of Great Depression followed suit. The Great Depression had the effect of reducing the majority of the people in America to become paupers. President Roosevelt had to introduce drastic policies to reverse the tide for America to get back at its feet again. The New Deal involves many economic policies that were centered on giving relief, reform, and recovery to end the Great Depression. This policy mandated the opening of banks so that business can flourish. The government became an employer through Works Progress Administration (WPA) programs so that people can have jobs and income. He also pumps prime the economy by spending a lot of money in building infrastructures. Little by little, America recovered ( The New Deal proved to be effective as it did not only end the Great Depression but made America as the strongest economy in the world (The New Deal). From being paupers with nothing to eat during the Great Depression to become the most affluent country in the world. This happened after the war where war expenditures multiplied America’s GNP that contributed to its meteoric rise after the Great Depression. The positive effect of Great Depression and New Deal on America’s lifestyle is that it taught them resilience and to value hard work to achieve anything and even to become the strongest country in the world. The negative effect, however, is that the people became too materialistic and too selfish as they try to compensate for their hardship during the Great Depression. The New Deal did not only employ the artist, musicians, actors, and writer but in fact everybody to put money in the system. It has to be remembered that the New Deal also spent a great deal on infrastructure and this required a huge number of workers.  

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