Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What Makes Art Art Essay Example for Free

What Makes Art Art Essay What makes Art Art? Can Art be de? ned? An ar? st can create anything and put their mark on it and deem it as art. I believe art to be a sculpture, pain? ng, or any piece of crea? ve work that brings enjoyment to the ar? st and an apprecia? on from the beholder. Art allows you to view the world through someone else’s eyes and obtain their perspec? ve on the subject at hand. Art is everywhere around us. It is expressed in many forms and fashions. From railroad car gra? , a formal piece in a museum, a one of a kind piece of jewelry or designer fashion clothing, it is all forms of art. Art can bring out an array of feelings in people. Some pieces of art depict happiness or focus on beauty, which would in turn bring out joyous feelings. Art can also display images or subject lines that are not as pleasant to entertain at ?mes which can allow us to be compelled to a feeling of sadness. Art can be a therapeu? c way to deal with emo? ons. Au? s? c children and people dealing with tragedies can o(en express themselves and deal with emo? ons through art. I really enjoy pain? ng old furniture and giving it a new look, a new life. It tends to remind me that all things in life can be restored and made beau? ful again with some work and determina? on. No ma*er what the circumstances or situa? on it can always be made into something beau? ful. Art seems to always tell a story even though words are never spoken. My concept of art is pain? ngs, sculptures, drawings, or anything that is created or transformed at the hands of the ar? st. I personally tend to enjoy pain? ngs that are of landscapes and nature. I always seem to navigate to the pain? ngs, especially oil, that remind me of ? mes during my childhood. Pain? ngs of a countryside with a barn and rolling hills or a grandfather ? shing with a child on the banks of a pond, takes me back to a â€Å"happy place† in my life. I truly then feel like I am understanding what the ar? st is meaning to depict. Marsh Farm by Darko Topalski is a simple but impressive pain? ng to me as it reminds me of a farmhouse that used to sit on a hill across the ? eld from my childhood home. I ? nd colors to be in0uen? al in bringing out emo? ons when observing a piece of art. I enjoy art that has warm, muted colors as a feel that give that feeling of serenity. I think pain? ngs with warm or vibrant colors tend to depict a much happier and content scene. The content is much more important to me than the formal quali? es. Once again, I like the feeling of being able to connect with the ar? st and feel like he actually painted the picture looking through my eyes. I think for some people the formal quali? es would be more important. That’s the beauty of art, everyone has their own percep? on of the same piece. Art in my opinion is anything that we view and receive enjoyment. It also compels us to appreciate the talent of the ar? st. Art brings out emo? ons as we interpret the story and statement the ar? st is trying to convey.

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