Saturday, November 2, 2019

Consumer bahaviour to develop a marketing plan Essay

Consumer bahaviour to develop a marketing plan - Essay Example In order to find the appropriate target market for The Alternative, this paper will be using the hybrid segmentation approach called demographic and psychographic profiles. In terms of demographic factors, it was found out that individuals in different often reveal different reasons why they look for healthier options. In the case of individuals within the 18-34 age brackets, being fit and healthy is consistent with their desire to look good. Within the 35-54 circle, the desire shifts as a way to deal with stress. The 55 above groups see it as medical-physical therapy. Looking at these age groups, The Alternative wants to focus on the 18-34 age brackets whose primary intention is to watch their weight and figure (). A part of a healthy lifestyle is an equally healthy diet unavailable in other fast food chains with their fat and calorie-laden offerings. Psychographic factors are also essential considerations. It should be noted that fast food chains often project bad images by providing unhealthy foods like burgers, meat pies, and carbonated drinks. However, consumers are often left with no choice especially if they have a fast-paced lifestyle. Fast-foods are often linked and preferred for their convenience and easy accessibility and perfect for people who love "fast service." The Alternative hopes to cater to this market segment. It is irrefutable that a lot of people, especially university students and young professionals often have less time to prepare their own food and would willingly grab a quick bite from fast food chains. However, these busy individuals also desire to be healthy in spite of their lifestyle. Thus, an alternative food chain would be perfect for them. The Alternative would cater to busy university students and young professionals aged 13-34 who desire to look good by eating healthier food options served in fas t food chains. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Revealing the Motive Looking Maslow's hierarchy of needs, food is categorized at the lowest level of the pyramid together with other physiological needs like air, water, sleep, and clothing. Following these needs are safety needs, love and belongingness, and status or esteem needs. Although food is generally classified a physiological need, The Alternative will design a marketing mix which will not only project its product offering as a way to satisfy this lowest necessity but also the higher ones specifically love and belongingness as well as esteem needs. In the discussion above, it is already clarified that what The Alternative will be serving is the segment which primarily desires to "look good." Thus, the motive underlying the establishment of the fast-food chain goes beyond the mere satisfaction of the appetite and the physiological need to the fulfillment of love and belongingness and esteem needs. The Alternative will not be only offering healthy foods but healthy lifestyle which is needed to look good. Offering low calorie, healthy foods will help individuals to maintain their weight and figure, enhance the beauty of the skin, and fights harmful substances which causes physical imperfections. Having a good image and figure irrefutably translates to gaining love and belongingness, especially now that social acceptance is often based on how a person looks like. Having shapely legs, nice built and well-proportioned figure

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