Monday, November 4, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 25

Personal Statement Example Secondly, information is the starting, but not the finish point for critical thinking. Knowledge creates motivation, without which person cannot think critically. To generate a complex idea, you need to rework a lot of facts, ideas, texts, theories, concepts. The ability to think critically has anyone at any age, not only students, but even first-graders accumulate enough experience and knowledge. Of course, the children `s ability to think will still be improved with training, but even kids are able to think critically and quite independently. Speaking about the practical side of this issue, I would like to cite as the example driving a car. In fact it is a complex skill that is not howling, like the ability to ride a bike. Before I got behind the wheel, I had to pass a certain theoretical training. It did not required to memorize certain rules, but it was preferable to understand exactly how they work, where and why they are applied. The beginner, who is driving the first time, makes hundreds of unnecessary movements, because he has no necessary skills. During training I got them, but it was forbidden to ignore the instructions instructor. From the point of view of experienced driver each situation on the road is unique in some extent and requires the driver to take quick and optimal solutions. Often the conflict may be solved not in one way, but two, three or more, starting from the selection of the route, speed, and direction of the detour. It requires to time to evaluate the traffic situation in whole with all its con sequences. In each level of studying there is a complex area of skills based on elementary actions. You must go to the macro level to achieve real results. Similarly, in critical thinking we rarely make only one elementary thing. Thus we have to combine or use a lot of the basic skills of critical thinking. Even reading can be called an activity on macro level. When we read, we

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