Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Essay 3 and Module 8 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

3 and Module 8 - Essay Example ccording to Aristotle, "Tragedy, then, is an imitation of a noble and complete action, having the proper magnitude; it employs language that has been artistically enhanced . . . ; it is presented in dramatic, not narrative form, and achieves, through the representation of pitiable and fearful incidents, the catharsis of such incidents" (Aristotle 11). With this definition, Aristotle in none of the way implies an unfortunate or a deadly conclusion to a certain drama. I think it is the perspective with which the audience looks at it, rather than the end itself. Taking the example of Oedipus the King, the king, hero himself faces a death, but this is viewed positively as an end to a suffered life; A happy ending to an unhappy life. One characteristic common to the times of the tragedies of Aristotle was its depiction to the lives of the highly placed kings and queens, or the kingly of that time. But Arthur Miller believed that tragedy and drama is apt for the common man too; since a common man is similarly involved in emotional situations as these royals. A commoner traverses through the same mental and developmental process as these richly. According to Arthur Miller, tragedy is all the drama an individual engages in for securing his personal dignity, which might require lying down in life. But, for his position as an individual should be rightly accepted by the society. This is not so simple; all this unrolls from a sequence of events, which are entwined in wounds caused by indignation. This tragedy in unfolded from the individual, who is characterized as a hero. This hero in his way of living is not a flawless and neither a perfect character, nor he is designed to portray pure weakness. This weakness is depicted to build around a story, where the hero plays a passive character to maintain his image and safeguard his dignity. For Aristotle, the rank and the nobility of the tragic character was of utmost importance, for him tragedy represented actions of person

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